In order to power cryptocurrency mining activities, members of the Mohawk Nation are investigating the possibility of obtaining electricity from Hydro Quebec to research crypto-mining opportunities that could be added to the council’s economic development portfolio, as per a report from Canada’s Local Journalism Initiative. MCK chief Mike Delisle, who also leads the council’s economic development portfolio, believes that crypto mining might provide an interesting potential for inhabitants of Kahnawake to increase their income.

MCK applying for more energy

The MCK is in the process of requesting for extra electricity from Hydro Quebec, while at the same time, the MCK is having discussions about a cooperation with a firm named explains that the cryptocurrency mining initiative will not need for financial support from Kahnawake. According to Delisle: Paul Rice, a representative for in the local spokesperson, was quoted as saying that “financial risk to the community is very minimal.”  Rice believes that the company and the MCK are working toward the conclusion of a deal that will be to the Kahnawake’s advantage. Rice explains that the mining rigs would be kept in shipping containers, and that Kahnawake would be eligible for a predetermined share of the Bitcoin (BTC) that would be mined as a result of the activities.  According to the report that was written by the LJI, the representative also said that the site had previously been cleared and that there would be “minimal impact to the grounds.” Rice went on to say that this development allows “basically a free roll on the upside of the price of Bitcoin.”